Monday, May 09, 2005

I'll Always Love My Mama...and Tea

Mother's Day. The time of year when you remember she who bore you and fed you and loved you and smacked you when you needed it (at her discretion). Thanks, Mom.
It was a good day. Cards from brother and his lady, and my nephew, red roses from hubby, a beautiful cotton blouse from sis and, from my incredible niece, powdered tea and chasen. In case you don't know, a chasen is a bamboo whisk that is used to make frothy tea. It would take her to get me something so utterly unique and surprising. We both share an interest in things Asian, especially Japanese. Maybe one day we'll be guests at a tea ceremony?

Saturday, May 07, 2005

New York, New York

Amazing the difference. The first thing that hits you is the noise. There's mechanical sound everywhere. I mean, everywhere. From the moment you hit the door with the cars going by, or subway, or someone's radio going.
Then it's the smells. Of people, and fumes, and garbage and the landlady's kitty litter boxes. Ewwww.
After that, it's the almost oppressive congestion. Tall gray buildings, short ceilinged subway platforms and people everywhere. Everywhere. There isn't a time during the day that you do not see a human being in the streets. Incredible. I never noticed it 'til now.
Welcome to New York City!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Wireless is More

It's hubby's birthday today. We had dinner at House of Hunan. Chinese/Thai/Japanese food. And you know what that's means. None of it really stands out. Slightly burnt fried rice, Shrimp Kew that wasn't very garlicky, and Almond Chicken that was breaded not diced?!? Miss New York fast food already.
Bright point was that we found Cool Beans Cafe, which has free wireless. Yay. Good to know they're not all Luddites out here.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Ohio We Will Go

My hubby and I are in Ohio. Medina County to be exact, not far from Akron. Spending time with the in-laws and such. It actually snowed today. Very lightly but still surprising considering we left bright Spring weather at New York.
The house we're staying at has only 56K dialup access. Woe of woes!