Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A Fireman's Feast

We've been working on Raul the fireman's house. There was a lot of damage to his belongings and a lot of the work has been to remove basically everything that's in the house.

Most of his stuff was unrecoverable but it's amazing what gets saved. Some personal pics, some albums, chotchkes. An ironing board! We saw some nice critters. Huge roaches, a mom and baby mouse. A small frog. Plenty of spiders. Nature just tries to take over. And it's been almost a year.
One of us, well, maybe it was me :), mentioned in passing about how before we left we had to go to town and try some famous crawfish. Then, around lunchtime, out of nowhere, Raul showed up with 20 lbs of boiled crawfish, kielbasa, potatoes and spicy shrimp. Ohhh, they must have these in heaven!

They were soooo good. They have a motto here that explains how to eat them. You pinch the tail and suck the head. Pinch the head off from the body and you suck the juices out. Mmmm, my mouth waters just remembering. They taste a lot like shrimp.

My co-workers said they tasted like lobster but I've never had lobster so maybe they're right.

This potato didn't stand a chance. It was all good. After this feast, we were hard at work again and got most of the walls, floors and panelling out.
It was backbreaking work, lots of sweat, scratches and bruises. But worth everyone bit!

What a blessing! God provides when you don't expect it.

You see, the thing that was always in front of our eyes was that this is for our neighbor and it is for the Lord.